How to Become
International Standard Developer

Created by Abdul Malik Ikhsan / @samsonasik

Abdul Malik Ikhsan


Technical Steering Committee.


Test Framework Maintainer.

You can be a better developer than me. Let's start!

1. Learn English

From the Fundamental

It will be very hard! But will be paid off if you don't stop in the middle of process.

By practice, talk to people. It doesn't need to be grammatically correct, just make it

2. Research

Do different things from tutorials.

Keep up with changing technology trends, BUT do Focus.

3. Share your knowledge

English Blog posts

It is ok to share "simple" thing you just found that just "click" and that's unique.

It is ok to publish first, enhance later.

English Video posts

If you do it, you already better than me.

4. Show off

Publish Research / product to Github/Gitlab or other public sites.

5. Active Contributing in communities

Answering questions in forums, eg: in facebook groups.

Answering questions in project repository, eg: in github.

Bug Fix to Open source software.

Add feature to Open source software.

Be nice!

6. Build discipline habits


Write , make 100% test coverage.




7. Follow awesome developers on Social Media

  • and many more...

8. Self Marketing


Publish page.